
Pineapple Thai CBD

CBD dominant sativa





Myrcene, alpha-Pinene, Limonene, Trans-Caryophyllene

1.341% terpenes
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Pineapple Thai CBD shines with its high CBD content, providing a balanced experience that captures the essence of a true hybrid. Known for its versatility, this strain delivers calm without overwhelming, making it suitable for various moments throughout the day. While often favored for its daytime clarity, it can also complement a relaxing evening with its gentle nature.

Pineapple Thai CBD offers a delightful blend of pineapple, chestnuts, and sweet tropical earthiness, delivering a sensory journey that's hard to forget.

The terpene profile – featuring myrcene, alpha-pinene, limonene, and trans-caryophyllene – adds layers of complexity and depth, enriching the aromatic experience with each encounter.

For those seeking a strain that embodies the benefits of cannabis in a balanced way, Pineapple Thai CBD is a compelling addition, offering a flavorful journey without overwhelming intensity.